This is not the page you're looking for.
We've changed our site a bit over the years, and we might have (re)moved the page you're looking for. Try:
- About us - The history of BlueSkyModel.
- Air mile - Our estimate for how much carbon dioxide a plane produces.
- Contact us - How to get in touch with us (feel free).
- Donate - Sponsor a feature or donate a cup of coffee in appreciation (yay!).
- Gallon of gas - Our estimate for how much carbon dioxide a gallon of gas produces.
- Kilowatt-hour - Our estimate for how much carbon dioxide a kilowatt-hour produces.
- Legal - BlueSkyModel's is released under the MIT license.
If you don't see your page in the list above, it might have been removed:
- Lb of stuff - We removed this section because it wasn't using the Environmental Protection Agency's emissions factors as they were intended, and it was likely a poor estimate. If you're interested, check out Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks, a 2006 publication by the US EPA (Publication id number EPA530-R-06-004).
- Lbs of CO2 saved by turning off, sharing, recycling, offsetting, and switching - We removed this section because it was so tightly focused on our MBA school it wasn't much help to anyone else.
If you still can't find what you're looking for, feel free to ask where it went.